4, 2006: FIRST
March 28, 2006: Felt a little nauseous for about a half hour this morning. As quickly as it came, it was gone.
March 29, 2006: Felt a little nauseous again today for about 45 minutes. This morning I got a very very faint line on a hpt. It was so faint that I am considering it negative.
March 30, 2006: I got my BFP this morning! I'm on cd 27 and 11 dpo. After our loss back in June and four months of trying, it seems that we are going to be adding another new addition to our family! Went for blood work and my quantative beta came back a 16.
April 1, 2006: Went for another quantative beta which came back at 50 and my progesterone was 24.94. The number more then doubled in a 48 hour period of time! Very good sign. Progesterone was good also where the normal range is 11-45.
April 3, 2006: Third quantative beta, which came back at 94. It came close, but did not double. I'm a little scared right now and sooo hoping that this pregnancy turns out to be ok.
April 7, 2006: Just had my first smell aversion at 5 weeks. Jamie just heated up chinese food for dinner and
the smell from the food is definitely not agreeing with me.
April 10, 2006: Went and peed at about 8:45 tonight and when I wiped there was red blood. It was more then just spotting, but not really a flow. Called the on call dr. 10 minutes later the on call dr. called back. She of course said that some bleeding/spotting in the first trimester was normal, asked me if we had sex recently I said no, asked a few more questions. Told me that she wanted me to come in tomorrow and be seen and that since I was only 5 wks 2 days its probably still to early to see anything on the u/s. But she still wanted me to be examined and get a quant. beta done to check my levels. She told me that if the bleeding got heavy or if I started having any bad cramping especially localized more on one side to call her back tonight immediately. I went to the bathroom again about an hour later and there was almost no blood, on a spot really. But I am cramping a tiny bit and it has been more on the lower right side, pretty much where I always feel ovulation pain. My lower back also hurts, but thats also been hurting off and on for the last couple of weeks.
April 11, 2006: 5 weeks 3 days pg. Went to the dr. she did an internal exam and said she didn't see any blood. Did an u/s and could see the cyst from my left ovary where I had ovulated from. She also saw a little dot which she said was the sac. It was of course to early to see anything else. She had me do a blood draw to check my levels and wants me to come in on Thursday to do them again. She said she would know more once she got my levels back and saw how high they were and if they were still doubling. She said its still possible it could be ectopic, but again she wouldn't know for sure until she saw my levels and I got another u/s on the 19th. She said the blood could be from numerous things, including implantation. My instructions were no sex and no heavy lifting (including Alex, so I have no idea how thats going to work). So at the moment everything is ok, but really won't know anything for sure until I get the results of my beta's and another u/s when I'm a little further along. BP was 110/70 and weight 140.
Got the results of the bloodwork. At 23 dpo HCG was 2685 and progesterone was 12.18. Nice big jump in the beta number! A little worried about how low the progesterone dropped. Normal range is 11-45. Doing another blood draw on Thursday to make sure hcg level is doubling and dr. said she would also check progesterone level. If my progesterone is still pretty low or goes lower they may give me a prescription for progesterone supplements.
April 13, 2006: 5 weeks 5 days pg. At 25 dpo HCG was 4911 and progesterone was 12.01. Since my progesterone had dropped so much and was on the lower side of the normal range the dr. prescribed a progesterone suppository cream called proceive. I was spotting a little again tonight, but it was only the one time and then it stopped. The dr. scheduled me to come in to see another dr. on Monday.
April 17, 2006: 6 weeks 2 days pg. Drs. appt. BP was 110/70 and weight was 140.5. She did an internal and everything seemed to be ok there. Did an u/s and could
see the gestational sac, a yolk sac, and what looked like the beginnings of the
fetal pole, but couldn't make out the heart beating yet. I am measuring 5 weeks 5 days which she said was perfect since last week I was
measuring 4 1/2 weeks. She said she's seeing all good things and that I should
keep my u/s appt. on Wed. to hopefully really be able to see the heart beating.
April 19, 2006: WE HAVE A HEARTBEAT!!! Had an u/s and there was a clear fast blinking heartbeat. I was so relieved that I actually let out a deep breathe that I didn't realize I was holding in and got a little teary eyed. I'm so happy. I know I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but at least things are going good so far and I can relax a tiny bit for today. I'm still measuring about 4 days behind (measured at 6 weeks), but that has been pretty consistant the last few weeks, so she didn't seem too worried. I have my actual first ob appt. next week on the 27th with my dr. and I'm sure she'll do another u/s to make sure there's still a heartbeat.
April 27, 2006: 7 weeks 5 days pg. First official drs. appt. BP was 112/62 and weight was 140. She did another u/s and there was a nice strong heartbeat and baby is still growing!!!! She said I'm still measuring a tiny bit behind,
but that it could be that I just O'ed later then we thought, she said she isn't
going to change my due date. The u/s machine she was using was kinda crappy so
she couldn't get the best picture in the world, but you could totally see little
arm and leg buds. I have another appt. made for 2 weeks. She said nothing was wrong, and she was
going to call it a piece of mind appt.
May 11, 2006: 9 weeks 5 days pg. Was a super quick, let's make sure things are still going good appt. Which they
were! Still a strong heartbeat and baby looked so good! No pictures this time
and she did it so quick that she didn't even measure or check how many bpm the heart was going. But
all that really matters is that there was a nice strong heart beating away! BP
was 110/70 and I lost a pound (139). She told me I could stop taking the progesterone
and that the placenta takes over at 9 weeks, but that if I really wanted to I
could keep taking it. So all looks good and she even
said that by 10 weeks something catastrophic would have to happen for this baby
to not continue to thrive!
I've started feeling little flutters in my tummy. I think its the baby, but I'm not totally sure.
2006: SECOND TRIMESTER. Month 4, 12 weeks.
June 8, 2006: 13 weeks 5 days pg. Dr. appt. BP was 110/65, weight I dropped another pound so that makes me
138 (dr. didn't even mention it so I guess it doesn't concern her at all). She
tried to find baby's heartbeat with the doppler and the little booger was moving
around so much that she was having a hard time getting it. She kept saying ok
there's some movement right there and then baby would move and the dr. would
sigh and kept moving the wand around until finally she got it for about 10
seconds and then the baby moved again. But oh what a wonderful sound! I
forgot how beautiful that sound can be. She said that she couldn't even get a
good count for bpm cause baby kept moving so much, but that the doppler read 153
bpm. She told me that I had a nice normal healthy pregnancy and she was very happy
about how everything was going. I asked her about all the headaches and she of course said it just happens when
your pg sometimes. Said I could take extra strength tylenol, sudafed, and
benadryl, but that she didn't want me taking anything else. She also told me to
try caffeine and said that might help get rid of the headache.
June 9, 2006: 13 weeks 5 days pg. Last night (after my dr. appt. where she didn't do an internal exam) I had some
really minor spotting. So minimal that it was only really there when I wiped and
it was more brown then red. I didn't freak like I did when I was 5 and 1/2 weeks
and bleeding. But I also started feeling what felt like Braxton hicks
contractions. The pressure I was feeling was more uncomfortable then
painful. So I drank some water and layed down, even though that didn't really
help. Didn't have any more spotting all night and today I took Alex to gymboree
and was still feeling the funky pressure and sometimes it was a little more then
uncomfortable but still not really painful. Got home peed and there was more
brown spotting. So I decided to call the dr. office just to be on the safe side.
Talked to a nurse who checked with the dr. and they told me to come in. Found
the babies heartbeat on the doppler no problem (although he/she was still really
wiggly) and she said my cervix was still long and closed. Said that it might
just be a blood vessel that broke and the pain could just be more round ligament
pain (even though it feels different then that). So she said to take it easy
over the weekend, but that everything still looked fine. And if the bleeding got
worse or I started having real contractions that were I think she said more then
4 or 5 in a hour then I should call them back. I really wasn't that worried, but
at least now I can enjoy the weekend without freaking myself out that something
might be wrong.
June 15, 2006: 14 weeks 5 days pg. Went to see my friend Therese today who is an u/s tech. And we are having a GIRL !!!!!!!! I think both Jamie and I are in shock. I really was starting to think the baby was a boy cause my pg has been very similiar to Alex's. We are beyond thrilled and will probably be going very broke with all the girly clothes and stuff I now get to buy.
June 20, 2006: 15 weeks 3 days pg. I realized that I could actually feel the baby moving all day and it wasn't just those flutter feelings. It was so cool. Still can't feel it on the outside, but she was definitely moving around a lot on the inside. I think with Alex, my favorite part of being pg was feeling him move and kick. Even when I was in a bad mood and just cranky and tired yesterday, every time I felt her move it made me smile.
June 26, 2006: 16 weeks 2 days pg. Dr. appt. Nothing too exciting. Totally forgot to ask what my bp was (they are weird about
telling you unless you ask and even then they wait until you are in the room
before answering you). I gained back the few pounds I lost so I'm now 141.
Baby's heartrate was in the 160's and she pressed on my tummy and said my uterus
seemed to be right where it should be. I also had blood drawn for the quad screen. So everything looked good and my next
appt. I have my big u/s appt. scheduled which is on July 24th.
July 24, 2006: 20
weeks 2 days pg- Back from the big u/s! It's still a healthy beautiful baby
GIRL! Everything looked perfect and measured either right on or just a few days off which was totally normal. Her heartbeat was 143 and she weighs 13 oz. Placenta is right where it should. She was very active through the whole thing and at one point was even playing with her toes. It was super cute. The u/s tech poked my tummy at a spot and said that's where the feet are and you could see the baby kick back at her. Afterwards I saw my dr. All she did was say congratulations and say how well everything was going. I go in for the glucose test at 28 weeks and she said I could take zantac for my heartburn (since the tums aren't really working a lot of the time). I didn't gain any weight again, still at 141. I asked her if she was concerned that I wasn't gaining even now. First she looked at Jamie and told him to make me eat more and to basically cater to my every whim (which he does now). And she said that if I didn't start gaining weight by my next few appts. that she was going to start making me drink those ensure drinks and crap like that. So I had my dr. instruct me to start eating ice cream after dinner (and she was specific and said the good kind like Ben and Jerry's), butter, cream cheese, peanut butter, sour cream. Basically anything high in milk fats. My blood pressure was 110/60 and everything else looked totally normal.
August 1, 2006: 20 weeks 3 days pg and Jamie felt the baby move for the first time. She's been so active for a while now, but lately I kept thinking how can Jamie not be able to feel her? She's kicking so hard. So she started moving around and I called over to him to come feel and sure enough he felt her!
August 24, 2006: 24 weeks 5 days pg. Everything seems to be going great
at the moment. BP 110/60, I finally gained 6 pounds which I was excited about (147),
but my dr. still said i should have gained more by now. She said i should have
gained at least 17 pounds by now and that I better keep up whatever I did this
past month to gain some more. Then she ordered me again to eat ice cream and
french fries and all kinds of other fattening foods. Baby's heartrate was
145 and she had the hiccups at the time she was using the doppler. She measured
my belly with the tape measure and said I was measuring right where I should be.
I told her about the horrible pelvic pain I had about a week ago and she said
that it was all still round ligament pain. At my next appt. I have to do the
glucose test and then I start going every 2 weeks. She said when
we start getting a little closer we'll talk more about whether you want to be
induced. She said if I want to deliver with her (there are I think 6 other drs.
in the practice that could be on call) then she would induce me when she knew
she was going to be oncall. I was really excited about that cause I really want
her to deliver me and it would be nice to know which day to be prepared to go to
the hospital. But I'm not so sure I want to go through another induction like I
did with Alex.
September 9,
2006: THIRD TRIMESTER. Month 7, 27 weeks.
September 21, 2006: 28 weeks 5 days pg. Did the 1 hour GTT (glucose test). Also had an appt. nothing too exciting (which is always good). BP was 100/60, baby's
HR 150's, measured my belly and didn't say anything so I assume I was measuring
fine, I gained 4 pounds since last time which brings my total weight gain to 10
pounds (152). She seemed happy that I was finally gaining weight so I didn't get
yelled at this time. And that was pretty much it. I start going every 2
weeks now. She said that this is what they consider the safe zone. That if I
should happen to go into labor now that the baby has excellent chances for
survival. So although I wouldn't want to go into labor now, it did make me feel
good hearing that from her.
September 30, 2006: 30 weeks pg. Had Braxton Hicks contractions this morning. I had to lay down on the couch on my left side and I
drank some water and they stopped. I think that was the first time I really felt
them this pregnancy. Just uncomfortable not painful so definitely BH.
October 3, 2006: I just talked to one of the nurses at the drs. office and she said I passed the
1 hour GTT wooo hooo! She left a message on my phone while I was in the shower
this morning saying that she had some test results for me. And at my last dr.
appt. she said I wouldn't hear from them if I passed so I was a little worried
that she was going to tell me I failed and had to do the 3 hour when I called
back. I am a little anemic which isn't a big surprise cause I was with Alex
too and I don't really eat meat. So I just have to start taking some iron pills
and I am good to go.
October 5, 2006: 30 week 5 day pg. Uneventful appt. I totally forgot to ask what my blood pressure and baby's heartrate was. I'm assuming everything is good since she didn't say anything. Belly measured 31 so that's good. And I didn't gain any weight over the last 2 weeks so I'm still at a total of 12 pounds this pg (152). She told me I still needed to be eating all the wrong things like ice cream, butter, and french fries and told Jamie that it was his job to get me to gain weight. I asked her if she could tell what position the baby was lying, but she couldn't really tell. She thinks she's still breech and possibly laying a little sideways, but wasn't really sure. She said she'd most likely do an u/s at 36 weeks to check position and to check on my placenta since I had a grade 3 with Alex. That's about it. I go back in 2 weeks.
December 9, 2006: DUE
October 18, 2006: OB appt.
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